Inspire School Program
This program works alongside teachers and administration to empower students in their self-esteem, mental wellness, and character development.
Through the Inspire curriculum, students are mentored weekly in a group setting on topics such as communication, respect, resilience, leadership, and healthy relationships. We have mentored about 60 students in Spring ISD since August 2022.
As a school leader, the need for a character development program, like Inspire, in schools is more essential now than when I began my career 23 years ago. Since students are currently facing various and, in many cases, controversial issues, strategies acquired from this type of program can assist them in their decision-making. Additionally, a character development program is a strategic way of creating a space for students to be exposed to behaviors that demonstrate high moral character while providing an opportunity for them to reflect on their personal values. Ultimately, through exposure and practice of ethical behaviors, those character traits will be instilled in students.
As a campus mentor and educator with 14 years of experience, the benefits of the Inspire Program on my campus are impossible to miss. Every week, I’m watching 14-15-year-old students learn life lessons, healthy habits, and valuable communication and interpersonal skills that they simply do not get in most normal high school settings. It’s not only improving our campus climate by allowing us to develop the whole student, but it’s providing an outlet and a resource for students who desperately need it built into the school day. Having these mentors on campus is a win-win for everyone, and brings value to our students, school, and community.